Bug in Firefox 3 b5 when showing MathML

As mentioned in [«Vektorgrafikk og matematiske formler i HTML» (Norwegian)](http://folk.ntnu.no/aslakr/?p=496), it seems like there is a bug when reading MathML in Firefox 3b5.

Open the MathML-file [lorentz.mml](http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~aslakr/rot/mathml/lorentz.mml). In my Firefox it will look like this:

![Firefox 3 b5](http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~aslakr/rot/firefox3b5-mathml-1.png)

Select some of the text and the brackets, [ ], around the arrays grows to the correct size:

![Firefox 3 b5 after text select](http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~aslakr/rot/firefox3b5-mathml-2.png)

Btw, the latest builds of Opera (mine is 9.50 Beta Build 4729) have some support for MathML using some CSS-tricks. But unfortunately it doesn look very nice:

![Version 9.50 Beta Build 4729](http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~aslakr/rot/opera950-4729-mathml.png)

And again, as a comparison, this is how I think it should look like:


Browsers like Opera and Firefox, and hopefully some day Safari/WebKit, do ha a long way to go, but at least they try.


Eitt svar til “Bug in Firefox 3 b5 when showing MathML”

  1. […] blogteksten i har jeg lagt inn samme MathML som i jeg har brukt tidligere, men denne gangen plassert den rett i teksten istedenfor å bruke <object>. Det betyr at den […]